Impact of KVK
Impact of Training, FLDs and OFTs
- 42 seed village has been established for production of paddy, oilseed and pulses in the district in year 2017-18.
- New intervention: Innovative vegetable production system (Ginger (Nadia) + Cauliflower (Sungrow 110) + Spinach (Anand)) has becoming popular and 500 farmers cultivating through this technology.
- New crop Broccoli and sweet corn are becoming popular due to our training and FLD programme and 50 farmers cultivating in the district.
- Due to impact of training and OFT programme on drip irrigation system, about 3000 units of drip irrigation system has been installed in the district.
- A refined Sickle has been developed by KVK Bokaro and becoming popular in other districts of Jharkhand state. Commercial production of this sickle is going to be started this year by KVK Dhanbad and Private Enterprenure.
- As per feedback received from input dealer their is two fold increase in pottassic fertilizer sell, this indicates that farmers are now using pottassic fertilizer for crop production due to our continuous, training and on farm trials.
- After on-farm trial and receiving training on SRI technology from KVK, presently farmers of Bokaro district has successfully cultivated rice through SRI technology in about 4000.00 ha. land and yield increase was 30 - 35 %.
- 200 vermi compost units have been established in the district with the help of ATMA, Bokaro in which we have provided training to farmers. About 50